Monday, October 12, 2009

Sun Drop picks up Doc Zola

Doc Zola is being picked up by Sun Drop Bottling Co. of Concord, NC. We are very proud here at Pipeline Brands to have a relationship with this company. The Sun Drop story has quite a history and joined the Cadbury family in 1989. Read more about this great company here.
Doc Zola is a classic tasting soft drink that blends a crisp cinnamon flavor with a smooth cherry finish. Doc Zola has also received rave reviews by consumers and has generated a loyal following on Twitter and has a branded website (Pipeline Brands) to keep up with growing demand from teens and twenty somethings.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Doc Zola sponsored SkaterAid in Decatur Georgia

Pipeline Brands donated 10 cases of Doc Zola to a very important event held every year just outside of Atlanta, GA called Skater Aid were the event is based around local music and of course skateboarding, but the big picture is that they raise a lot of money for kids hospitals and foundations to help those that cant afford quality healthcare.

SkaterAid was started in 2005 to celebrate the life of Ian Wochatz. A Decatur teen and avid skateboarder, Ian was diagnosed with an especially virulent type of brain cancer, and died on July 4, 2005 at age 15. SkaterAid provided a place for all those who loved Ian to honor his memory in a way he would have approved of...with music, friends and skateboarding.

SkaterAid's mission is to support families who are dealing with the tragedy of pediatric cancer. We hope to be an even bigger part of the event next year and thank those that let Doc Zola launch into such a special event.